Are You A Church Secretary, Assistant Or Receptionist Desperate For Help? Now You Can Discover The Secrets To Taking Back Control Of Your Time, Getting Organized, Eliminating Office Clutter And Getting


As a church secretary or assistant, your “life” depends on how organized and efficient you are. Your search for the right tools to help you get organized and accomplish more has landed you in the right place!

I was just like you… searching that is… until I just got fed up.

Trying to find quality time management, organization and personal development information specifically for church secretaries was like trying to find a needle in a haystack!

About $150 later I realized I had to do it on my own. I had to figure out the best system for me and my Pastor.

Now You Can Get FREE Instant Access to
My Private Briefcase which Includes…

    5 Simple Secrets to Getting It All Done 10-page Action Guide, don’t waste valuable time… do these 5 things everyday! A MUST HAVE for for every church secretary.

    Downloadable Audio MP3s, PowerPoint presentations and sample forms.

    My List of Web Resources including shipping trackers, airport codes and time zone converters.

**After clicking “GET INSTANT ACCESS”, check your email for the Private Briefcase Password.

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Whether you’re a new church secretary or you’ve been assisting your Pastor for years, work for multiple bosses or provide dedicated service to only one person, throughout this site you’ll discover simple and practical ways to do your job better and more efficiently.

I’d also like to introduce you to several dynamic courses I’ve created to help you organize your church office, increase your productivity, and find the balance you need between your work and your personal life.

You can see all my training resources for church secretaries and assistants here, and be sure to let me know if you need help deciding which ones are best for you.

Here’s to your success!

Tamala M. Huntley, CEO & Founder

P.S. Aren’t you tired of doing what you’ve always done and getting the same bad results? Even if you only learned one life-changing lesson and it produced hours of peace and greater productivity, wouldn’t it be worth it? Start your training today!





Create Time for Your Pastor

A good assistant focuses on saving and creating time. How do you create time? By streamlining and eliminating work that your pastor would normally do. Imagine receiving a stack of letters requesting everything under the sun. As the pastor you must read each of them and decide how to proceed. Doesn't sound like fun, huh?

Now imagine this same stack of letters with the important points highlighted so that you only have to skim through in order to get the main points. Go even further and imagine post-it notes on each letter with a very brief summary of what is being requested. Lastly, eliminate the stack and picture the letters in folders labeled to indicate what requires an immediate response and what can wait. Changes like these are minimal and quite simple, but add them up and over the course of a year, you will have saved your pastor countless hours of work. This is how you create time for your pastor.



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